The Great Vigil of Easter-The Rev Melanie Lemburg

 The Great Vigil of Easter 2023

April 8, 2023

A letter to Ingrid Skousgard and Nathaniel Stein upon the occasion of your baptism.

Dear Ingrid and Nathaniel,

        Tonight is a holy night.  “This is the night” we sing again and again; the holiest moment of our church year in which we remember and participate in the saving acts of God.

        This is the night we gather in the darkness to light the new fire, to remember that the light of Christ can overcome all darkness.

        This is the night we tell the stories of our faith, how God creates all that is and calls it ‘so good’; how God acts to free God’s people from hundreds of years in slavery in Egypt and how God sets them on their course to new life and freedom in the land God has promised them; how those same people find themselves once again in exile and God promises them that God is always near, that God will save them if they but trust in God and not be afraid. 

        This is the night, we remember and participate in the story of how God saves us; we remember and participate in this love story of God for God’s people. 

        This love story is best summarized in a quote by the writer Frederick Buechner (pronounced Beekner).  He writes that God says to us, “Here is the world.  Beautiful and terrible things will happen.  Don’t be afraid.”

        This is the night you are being baptized into Jesus’s death and resurrection, which is, strangely enough, the happy ending of this love story, and the reason why you don’t ever have to be afraid.

        This is the night you are being baptized into a new way of life—the way of discipleship, of following Jesus.

        This is the night you are being baptized into this way of forgiveness and reconciliation; into a way of self-emptying and self-giving; into the way of peace that teaches you to not be afraid but instead to put your hope in the God who saves you and who is always near.

        This is the night you are being baptized into the truth that God’s love for you is stronger than anything that you will ever have to face in this life, even death.  And it is the night when we remember (as our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry says) that if it is not of love, then it is not of God.

        It is a road that is never meant to be walked alone, so we promise to walk this way with you.  We promise to help you remember the light of Christ that always burns brightly in the darkness, even the darkness of the grave.

        This is the night we promise to help you remember God’s love story for you and for all of creation:

        “Here is the world.  Beautiful and terrible things will happen.  Don’t be afraid.”  God’s love never fails. 


Your sister in Christ,



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