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The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost- The Rev Melanie Lemburg

The Very Rev Melanie Dickson Lemburg The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost-Proper 11B July 21, 2024           I’m sure y’all know that we’ve had Vacation Bible School here at St. Thomas in the evenings this past week.   Now I’ve been doing VBSes for my whole ordained life.   (I did miss it one year; I was getting dressed to go, and then discovered that I had gone into labor with our son Jack.   We sent Mary Margaret to church with my brother and sister-in-law because “The VBS must go on.”)   So it’s strange that in all my years of doing VBS, every year, I seem to forget just how much fun it can be.           I’ve been thinking about that this week and talking with colleagues about it, and I’ve realized that it is because at VBS even the adults give ourselves permission to play.           In our gospel reading for today, Jesus and his disciples have regathered after Jesus has sent them out in pairs to proclaim the good news of the gospel, calling people to repent, casting out dem

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