The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday-The Rev. Melanie Lemburg
Palm Sunday 2023
April 2, 2023
encountered a poem last week that offers an interesting window into Palm Sunday
and Holy Week, and invitation to examine our expectations and to enter into a
new way of walking through these holiest days of our year.
It was
written by Benjamin Cremer and is
untitled. Here’s how it goes.
We want the war horse.
Jesus rides a donkey.
We want the bird of prey.
The Holy Spirit descends
as a dove.
We want the militia.
Jesus calls fishermen, tax
collectors, women, and
We want the courtroom.
Jesus sets a table.
We want the gavel.
Jesus washes feet.
We want to take up swords.
Jesus takes up a cross.
We want the empire.
Jesus brings the Kingdom
of God.
We want the nation.
Jesus calls the church.
We want the roaring lion.
God comes as a slaughtered
We keep trying to arm God.
God keeps trying to disarm
Your invitation this week is let
yourself be open to be disarmed by God, to be open to let God shift your
expectations of how God works, how God save, how God continues to act in this
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