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Christmas Eve - The Rev. Colette Hammesfahr

  Luke 2:1-20 – Christmas Eve   A small church in Texas was preparing for its Christmas play. It was the dress rehearsal, the day before the big event. The younger children had their barnyard animal costumes on . The angels were adorning their wings and brightly shined halos. Mary and Jos eph were ready for their roles , holding a well-swaddled doll . The kids playing the role of the shepherds were dressed and excited but also a bit mischievous. The director instructed the shepherds that when the time came, they were to “follow the sign” of the star . The star could not be missed – it was a giant sparkly cardboard star on a tall pole carried by one of the older youth s .   On the night of the performance, everything was going as they had rehearsed . The angels were hovering around Mary and Joseph. The sheep and donkeys could be heard across the room. It was time for the s hepherds to appear on stage. The director waited in anticipation for them to “follow the sign...

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